MATLAB: Nested for loop plots

for loopnested loop

time_range = 1:10
for k_cotton = 0.04:0.02:0.08
for t = 1:1:length(time_range)
insert multiple variables as a function of (t)
Tskin_forearm(t) = k_cotton .* t .* variables(t)
plot(time_range, Tskin_forearm)
grid on
xlabel('Time (seconds)')
ylabel('Temperature (Kelvin)')
legend('T skin .04','T skin .06','T skin .08')
title('Temperature of forearm over time')
Im shortening this code to make this easier. I am indexing within a nested loop. When the code goes to run k_cotton = 0.06 and then k_cottton = 0.08, it seems that the code is using indexed values from the previous k_cotton value. How do I fix this? In the end, I would like to plot the three Tskin_forearm values over time as a function of the three different k_cotton values.

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