MATLAB: Need to use double quad function for four integration with four unknowns

dblquad function

I need to write the correct command that enables me to use the "dblquad" function to solve four integrations with four different variables.
for example: yy = dblquad(….dblquad(@myfun,0,2*pi,0,2*pi))
now the funtion myfun contains phi1,phi2,phi3,phi4 four different variables.
The command line I wrote is not yet complete and I am not sure if it is correct or not.
The myfun should it be then written as follow y = myfun(phi1,phi2,phi3,phi4)
Please I need an answer ASAP
Thank you

Best Answer

You should be using INTEGRAL2, but the solution is almost the same.
The INTEGRAL2 way finished in a couple of seconds with the example I gave it, DBLQUAD took 2852 seconds.
You can use QUAD2D instead of INTEGRAL2 if you don't have R2012a. If you do have R2012a, you can also do this
-- Mike
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