MATLAB: Need to Split a column of type ‘string’ in a Table in to group of 4 characters giving new names to the result.


I have read a csv file in to a table in below format of large number of rows. The Data field is of type string.
Time Identifier Data
00:06:40.23 "300" "65 00 69 00 6D 00 75 00 "
00:06:40.25 "100" "B7 FF E5 FF 7D 10 01 00 "
I need to split the Data column in to 4 columns with new names. i.e. as below
Time Identifier AC1 AC2 AC3 AC4
00:06:40.23 "300" "6500" "6900" "6D00" "7500"
00:06:40.25 "100" "B7FF" "E5FF" "7D10" "0100"

Best Answer

s=[ "65 00 69 00 6D 00 75 00 ";
"B7 FF E5 FF 7D 10 01 00 "]
c = char(s);
ssplit = string(mat2cell(c,ones(1,size(c,1)),4*ones(1,4)))
ssplit =
2×4 string array
"6500" "6900" "6D00" "7500"
"B7FF" "E5FF" "7D10" "0100"