MATLAB: Need to run sl_refresh​_customiza​tions each time I open the Simulink project

custom targetEmbedded CoderMATLABsimulinksimulink projectsl_refresh_customizationsstart-up script

I have created a custom target for my Simulink Embedded Coder code generation. The target is stored in a Target file inside the Simulink Project.
Now each time I open my Simulink Project, the Configuration Settings complain about my custom Target not being registered. A solution is to run the command sl_refresh_customizations after which everything runs fine again with the custom Target.
My question is: why do I need to run sl_refresh_customizations each time I open my Simulink Project? Is there another solution? I have put the command in a start-up script as of now but I think it is not so clean.
With kind regards,