MATLAB: Need to match Data

MATLABmatrixmatrix manipulationsortvector

I like to match the entries in column 2 of matrix A to the reference numbers of B. I'm going to do that for large data sets. Code like follows does exactly what I want but will be to slow. Is there an intelligent function/way available to do that? Thanks a lot!
A = [2 3 5 7; 23 54 76 86]';
B = [1:7]';
for i = 1:7
if B(i,1) == A(j,1)
B(i,2) = A(j,2);
j = j+1;
result: B =
1 0
2 23
3 54
4 0
5 76
6 0
7 86

Best Answer

B(A(:,1),2) = A(:,2)