MATLAB: Need help with the ‘Area’ function!


Hey guys,
I have a question regarding the 'Area' function. I have the following code:
A1 = C1(t,1).*25;
A2 = C2(t,1).*-5;
h1 = area(t_Sim(t,1),A1,'LineStyle','none');
hold on
h1(1).FaceColor = [1 0 1];
h2 = area(t_Sim(t,1),A2,'LineStyle','none');
h2(1).FaceColor = [1 0 1];
hold off
Resulting in this graph:
The results are perfect, however, I can't get rid of the solid black line at y=0 even though my 'linestyle' is set at 'none'. How can I make sure that this line does not show up?
Am I missing something obvious here? Please let me know! Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

LineStyle refers to the style of line around the area. So if you set LineStyle to 'none', then you'll not get any line around the area. If you want to hide y = 0 line then you should set 'ShowBaseLine' to 'off'. You can refer to documentation for more information