MATLAB: Need help with something that im trying to do with Listbox.

fourier seriesguilistbox

I have seen examples of listbox that show how they open pics and files, but i want to show a graph(In this case a sawtooth wave). After some maths for the fourier series this is what i have and it works in the editor:
n=input('número de harmónicas: ');
for k=1:1:n
When you run this, you introduce a number and will show you a graph. For the GUI part, i put a listbox with some numbers (10,20,30) as "n". What i want to do is that when i select the number, the graph of the series shows in the axes. I dont know where should i put my "cycle for", i tried using switch-case in the listbox but im not sure what is the opening function. How can i made my gui work for this case?? If there's another way? but my teacher want the listbox for the "n" values. I hope you understand, english is not my main language. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Something like this to fill up the listbox:
listboxContents = {'10', '20', '30'};
set(handles.listbox1, 'String', listboxContents);
Or just pre-fill it in GUIDE. Then get the selected item
listboxContents = get(handles.listbox1, 'String');
selectedItem = get(handles.listbox1, 'Value');
selectedString = listboxContents{selectedItem};
selectedNumber = str2double(selectedString);
Then do whatever you want to do with the item that was selcted.