MATLAB: Need help with matlab code

radiative cooling curve (rcc)

Need to numerically solve the differential equation below and plot T vs t which goes like radiative cooling curve.
dT/dt= -Q(T^4-T0^4)/3*L*T where T =1000K, T0=300K, Q=1.38e-23 and L=1e-4 m.
Thank you in advance!

Best Answer

Tv=1000; % K
T0=300; % K
L=1e-4; % m.
syms T(t)
DE = diff(T) == -Q*(Tv^4-T0^4)/3*L*T;
DEs = dsolve(DE, T(0)==T0)
fplot(DEs, [0 1E+16])
xlabel('$t$', 'Interpreter','latex')
ylabel('$T(t)$', 'Interpreter','latex')
title(['$T(t) = ' latex(DEs) '$'], 'Interpreter','latex')
Or, use ode45.