MATLAB: Need help with genfis2 warning: Rank deficient


Hello all, I am trying to use genfis2 to create a FIS structure to be used by ANFIS. I am working with a set of data that is 430×7. The first 6 columns are the inputs for genfis2 and last column is the output. Below is how I am using the genfis2 command, from what I understand, radii is a vector that determines the range of a cluster and xbounds are the min/max (to normalize the data) values in each column of data correct? Why am I getting "Warning: Rank deficient, rank = 421, tol = 4.490110e-14?" Is it my input thats messed, anyone have any sage advice? Thank you.
in_fis = genfis2(data(:,1:6),data(:,7),radii,xbounds)

Best Answer

You have duplicates (or near duplicates) in your rows.