MATLAB: Need help transforming data from a table


I had transaction data in a .CSV where each instance of a sale is a row of data with sku, quantity, and date are columns.
I want to create a new table with the same three columns, but so that the quantity is the sum of all instances for sales of the specific sku for that specific day. For instance, right now we would see two seperate rows for two sales of sku 1234 on March 13. I want the table to have only one row for that sku while the quantity column reads "2" as it is the sum of all sales for that sku on that day.
Thank you

Best Answer

Zac, if I understand correctly what you want to do, it's way simpler than all that.
I assume you know that your data file is kind of non-standard. It's hard to tell what you intend as what, but I took a guess. I recommend you take a look at detectimportoptions to deal with it, what I've shjown here is quick and dirty but not the most flexible way of reading that file.
>> fmt = '%f%f%s%s%s%s%f%f%{dd-MMM-yy}D%{dd-MMM-yy}D%{dd-MMM-yy}D%s%s%s';
>> t = readtable('sampleDataSet.csv','Format',fmt,'Delimiter','~','ReadVariableNames',false);
>> t = t(:,[3 7 9]);
>> t.Properties.VariableNames = {'SKU' 'Quantity' 'Date'};
>> t.SKU = categorical(t.SKU)
t =
20×3 table
SKU Quantity Date
_______ ________ _________
9303W 1 18-Mar-13
2031727 1 30-Apr-13
2030117 1 30-Apr-13
2038036 1 30-Apr-13
2038036 1 30-Apr-13
2032445 1 30-Apr-13
2035549 1 30-Apr-13
2046881 2 30-Apr-13
38H5 1 26-Apr-13
52C2 1 26-Apr-13
53Y8K 1 26-Apr-13
43Z38 1 26-Apr-13
9595 1 26-Apr-13
9595 1 26-Apr-13
2031510 1 26-Apr-13
53Y8 15 26-Apr-13
53Y8K 15 26-Apr-13
0001 6 26-Apr-13
1940 1 26-Apr-13
4001 1 26-Apr-13
Once you're read the file, there are several ways to do the grouped calculation you want, including findgroups/splitapply and groupsummary. The following uses varfun. It's one line:
>> varfun(@sum,t,'GroupingVariables',{'SKU' 'Date'})
ans =
17×4 table
SKU Date GroupCount sum_Quantity
_______ _________ __________ ____________
0001 26-Apr-13 1 6
1940 26-Apr-13 1 1
2030117 30-Apr-13 1 1
2031510 26-Apr-13 1 1
2031727 30-Apr-13 1 1
2032445 30-Apr-13 1 1
2035549 30-Apr-13 1 1
2038036 30-Apr-13 2 2
2046881 30-Apr-13 1 2
38H5 26-Apr-13 1 1
4001 26-Apr-13 1 1
43Z38 26-Apr-13 1 1
52C2 26-Apr-13 1 1
53Y8 26-Apr-13 1 15
53Y8K 26-Apr-13 2 16
9303W 18-Mar-13 1 1
9595 26-Apr-13 2 2