MATLAB: Need help to find min(abs(dL==0)) for every column individually


Hi i have two matrix and they are gradually
L1 =11953×1 double
L2 = 11953×201 double
then i have substracted from L2 to L1 columnwise
dL =L2(:,1:201)- L1;
i have to find the indices of min(abs(dL==0)) for every column and find the value of that indices [minimum absolute values which are near to zero] .and have to put them in a matrix of
X_f = 1x 201
{ i am a beginner , any help will be highly appriciateable}

Best Answer

Try this:
rows = 5;
columns = 8;
L1 = randi(20, rows, 1) % Create sample data.
L2 = randi(20, rows, columns)
dL = L2 - L1
for col = 1 : columns
% Find min value in this column, and it's row number (index).
[minValue(col), rowOfMinValue(col)] = min(abs(dL(:, col)));
% Report to command window:
Be aware that this code finds the first min in each column only. If you expect the min to occur in more than one row, it will need some modification to give you a cell array or a larger 2-D array.