MATLAB: Need help selecting the max of array A, then selecting corresponding array B

arrayscell arraysmatrix array

n=input('How many countries will be evaluated? ')
for k=1:1:n
%cn=country name
cn(k)={input('Enter Country name: ','s')};
%we=wind energy
we(k)=input('Enter Generated Wind Energy, in TWh ');
%te=total energy
te(k)=input('Enter Total Electrical Energy, in TWh ');
%pe=percent of energy
So in this case the two important arrays are pe and cn, or percent of energy and country name.
I need the program to evaluate the array pe and find the max; then find the country name that it corresponds too. I'm really at a loss for how to accomplish this!
Any help/insight is appreciated.

Best Answer

The problem is the 's' at the end of your fprintf() statement
printf('\n The country with the lowest percentage of wind energy is %s with %2.2f \n',countrynameMIN,minpe)