MATLAB: Need help reading only the numeric data in a value that contains letters

read text filestext file

I am trying to read in a text file where some numeric values contain letters at the end. Example text file:
487X 445X 599X 622
484 535X 568X 702E
I would like my resulting variable to only contain numbers:
myvar = [487 445 599 622;484 535 568 702];
Using the importdata command with a different file with the same type of text as the example provided above worked fine:
myfile = dir('*.txt');
mydata = importdata(myfile(1,1).name);
Can anyone tell me why this works for some files and not others and does anyone have a suggested solution?
Thanks, Dan

Best Answer

Another approach:
fid = fopen('test.txt', 'r');
if fid == -1, error('Cannot open file'); end
S = fread(fid, [1, inf], '*char');
S(S > '9') = ' ';
D = reshape(sscanf(S, '%g'), [], 4);
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