
Hi so I have a matrix (51×22) of values and a name matirx that line up with each of those vaules with a state name (51×1). I need to find the state with the greatest values. You are told to find the sum of each row and somehow make matlab find the one with the greatest sum and identify that row with name of the state in the other matrix that has names of states in it. ex. A={1 2 3; 4 5 6; 5 7 8] B=[albama; Calif; Iowa]
since the third row has the most sum, I need matlab to first find the sum of each row in A and determine which has the greatest sum and then Identify the name of the state with the identy matrix B. THank you

Best Answer

What does this have to do with the Coder product???
Also, read this.
Hint: use sum(yourArray, 2) and the max() function (both return arguments of it). That should be enough hints for a smart engineer like you to solve it. If you still need help with your homework, post your attempt at the code.