MATLAB: Need help plotting this


I need help plotting this code so that my plot will look like the discontinuous sine waves (bolded black) in the graph posted below the code (for one unit cell). Right now my plot is showing up blank.
clear all;
format long;
im = sqrt(-1);
CellLength = 1;
ibeta = 1;
%Define materal properties
CellLength = 1;
layers = 2;
d = [0.4;0.6];
dTotal = d(1,1)+d(2,1);
xc = [0;0.4];
Ef = 12;
pf = 3;
cf = sqrt(Ef/pf);
Em = 1;
pm = 1;
cm = sqrt(Em/pm);
w = 5;
T1 = [cos(.2*w) (1/(6*w))*sin(.2*w); -6*w*sin(.2*w) cos(.2*w)];
T2 = [cos(.6*w) (1/w)*sin(.6*w); -w*sin(.6*w) cos(.6*w)];
T = T2*T1;
Z1 = 6*w;
Z2 = w;
Z = [Z1;Z2];
%Solve eigenvalue problem for k
[V,D] = eig(T); %D = eigenvalues, %V = eigenvectors
k1 = log(D(1,1))/(im*dTotal);
k2 = log(D(2,2))/(im*dTotal);
k = [k1;k2];
B1 = [1 1;im*30 -im*30];
B2 = [1 1;im*5 -im*5];
C1a = [1 0;0 1];
C2a = [exp(im*k2*0.4) 0;0 exp(-im*k2*0.4)];
a1 = inv(B1)*V(:,1);
a2 = inv(C2a)*inv(B2)*T1*B1*a1;
for x1 = 0:0.1:0.4
C1 = @(x1)([exp(im*k1*x1) 0;0 exp(-im*k1*x1)]);
C1 = C1(x1);
y1 = @(x1)(B1*C1*a1);
y1 = y1(x1);
for x2 = 0.4:0.1:1
C2 = @(x2)([exp(im*k2*x2) 0;0 exp(-im*k2*x2)]);
C2 = C2(x2);
y2 = @(x2)(B2*C2*a2);
y2 = y2(x2);
hold on
xlabel('Position, x')
ylabel('Displacement, u')

Best Answer

Two related problems are that the ‘y1’ and ‘y2’ functions do not use their arguments in their calculations. (I would also rename them ‘y1f’ and ‘y2f’ to avoid confusion with your ‘y1’ and ‘y2’ vectors.)
What do you want to do in those functions?