MATLAB: Need help on getting output from rapid accelerator simulation

simulinksimulink accelerator simout sim

I'm having trouble getting the output from the rapid accelerator simulation. I've dug some of the Q&A before but never got them to work.
The situation is:
I have a .m file (called run.m) which calls multiple sim() in a loop. The simulink model 'adc' includes inputs FromWorkspace, output port named "digout" and 1 embedded MATLAB function. I checked the "save to workspace" for output "digout" on simulink 'adc' model.
The way I run simulation is
1. Call run.m, which initialized Cpool, Cp1,Cp0 on the workspace.
for runid=1:10
Cp1 = Cpool(1,runid)
Cp0 = Cpool(2,runid)
result(runid) = digout.signals.values
2. Now I tried to build the rapid accelerator model to speed up the simulation (Following Q&A 35991) to create the model once and simulates multiple times.
rtp = Simulink.BlockDiagram.buildRapidAcceleratorTarget('adc');
for runid=1:10
new_rtp = Simulink.BlockDiagram.modifyTunableParameters(rtp, ...
simout = sim('adc','SimulationMode','rapid', ...
'RapidAcceleratorUpToDateCheck','off', ...
'RapidAcceleratorParameterSets', new_rtp, 'SaveOutput', 'on','OutputSaveName','digout');
result(runid) = simout.get('digout')
I tried assigning result(runid) = digout directly but it says the variable cannot be found. Then I try save the output to simout.
However, I'm still getting errors
??? No appropriate method, property, or field get for class Simulink.SimulationOutput.
But it seems to have something when I use
ans =
The question is:
1. Why can't I get the output "digout" successfully when using the rapid build as I did in normal?
2. What should I do to get it work?
Suggestions and answers are much appreciated.

Best Answer

My speculation would be that your version of Simulink predates the Simulink.SimulationOutput.get method.
The documentation I am glancing at implies you might be able to use
result(runid) = simout.find('digout');
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