MATLAB: Need Help | MATLAB failed to start after updating error

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After I see the notification to update matlab R2019b to update 3. I press the update and left for a while and seeing that the update has failed.
Now, I can't open MATLAB with the following error

Best Answer

My matlab account is attached to my local user however when installing update the permission to write into /usr/local/MATLAB/R2019b is not grated becuse that directory is owned by root. To fix I was going to temporarily change ownership to my user. The output I posed above was right after the chown switch. At this point matlab was broken. However I have found the answer which allows me to keep the original root ownership and run the installer. I can run the update_installer as super user becasue it bypasses the license manager:
sudo /usr/local/MATLAB/R2019b/bin/glnxa64/update_installer
All fixed!
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