MATLAB: Need help FOR loop question 3

for loop

1.Declare and suppress the output of the following variables in the most succinct manner possible:
C=[20, 15, 10, 5, 0]
D =[-5, -4, -3, -2, -1]
E = [1, -7, 3, – 9, 5]
2.Declare and assign the following variables and print the output:
  • BIG: First column is A, second column is B, the third column is C, the fourth column is D, the fifth column is E.
  • small: First row is elements 1 through 3 of A, second row is elements 2 through 4 of C, third row is elements 3 through 5 of E.
3.Using a FOR loop, perform the following manipulations suppress the output (30 points).
  • new_A = A + loop counter
  • new_B= B – loop counter
  • new_C= C * loop counter
  • new_D= D / loop counter
  • new_E= E (Does not need to be done inside the FOR loop)
%so far for question 1 and 2 I have this but am having a hard time with questioin 3
%declaring variables
%declaring and assigning variables BIG1 and small1

Best Answer

Hey Reynaldo,
Try the following code as an answer
for i=1:5
new_A(i) = A(i)+i;
new_B(i) = B(i)-i;
new_C(i) = C(i)*i;
new_D(i) = D(i)/i;
new_E = E;
Also for future questions, please upload whatever code you have tried to write so that people trying to answer your query have a starting point and should not feel like they're just completing your assignment for you.