MATLAB: Need help creating a loop

functionsleibniz's formulaloops

Have to create a function with a loop that formulates pi using Leibniz's formula. It has to ask the user for a positive integer n&then calculate pi to n terms (terms being 4=1 , 4/3= 2, 4/5= 3, 4/7= 4, etc..)
Leibniz's formula says that pi= 4-4/3 +4/5 – 4/7 + 4/9 – 4/11 ….
pi/4= 1 – 1/3 +1 /5 – 1/7 + 1/9 – 1/11…
so far, i thought to put:
function pi= pleibniz (n)
for i= 1:n pi/4=
but then i don't know what to do! please help!

Best Answer

I wouldn't use a loop to do this (and I love loops).
  1. How could you make z equal the sequence 1, 3, 5, 7, ..., N?
  2. How could you make y equal to 4 times the reciprocal of z?
  3. How could you make x equal to the sum of the "odd" terms of y (i.e., 4/1, 4/5, 4/9, ...) and w equal to the sum of the "even terms of y (i.e., 4/3, 4/7, ...)?
  4. How can you make v equal to the sum of x and u equal to the sum of w?
  5. How can you make t be the difference between v and u?