MATLAB: Need data about tach signal

pulse generationsignal generationtach signal

greetings !! I want to know about tach signal(like signal from tachometer) in MATLAB and its generation in matlab like attached image(Might be aperiodic).. And i want to add some Gaussian noise to that signal to find frequency b/w peeks.
I tried using "pulse train" but not getting as i like..

Best Answer

Starting point could be something (from the pulstran example)...
>> t = 0 : 1/1e3 : 1; % 1 kHz sample freq for 1 sec
d = 0 : 1/5 : 1; % 5 Hz repetition freq
y = pulstran(t,d,@tripuls,0.01);
>> xlim([-0.05 1.05])
You can then apply a windowing function of length(y) to desired shape to modify amplitude and add noise as desired. Fix up frequencies, etc., as desired, obviously; I just fiddled with the example parameters slightly to show more pulses over the same frequency as the example and with a symmetric pulse.