MATLAB: Naming a structure


clear all
FName = {'Data1','Data2','Data3'};
data1 = [rand(32,1),rand(32,1),rand(32,1)];
NewName = {'Location1'};
Location1 = struct('Data1',data1)
From this example how is it possible to adapt the script so that instead of typing 'Location1' as the name of the structure, can that be defined from 'NewName' i.e. defining the name of the structure from a pre-defined string?

Best Answer

You can use eval, but eval needs to be used with extreme care. You can really screw things up accidentally.
eval([NewName ' = struct(''Data1'',data1);'])
If somehow your string is a command like 'clear all' or worse then that command will be run, so use eval sparingly. If there's a possibility of that happening then you might want to put a check in there.