MATLAB: My while loop is giving an error “Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.” I’m trying to calculate the golden ratio within epsilon 0.001.

vectorizationwhile loop

I am stuck in the initiation of my while loop. I attached the file and an image of the code. I've done everything I can think of but I'm still learning and can't see what I'm doing wrong here.

Best Answer

Probably something more like this:
%Program Description:
%This program takes 2 numerical inputs and calculates/estimates the golden
%ratio within epsilon 0.001.
% Record of Revisions:
% Date Programmer Description of change
% ==== ========== =====================
% 4/7/18 Alan Clemenson Original Code
%User Prompts
n1=input('type in value for first #: ');
n2=input('type in value for second #: ');
% Compute results
%index for the numbers following n1&n2 in the fibonacci sequence 'x'.
%Previous fib no.
x(1) = n2-n1
% Place Assignment of n1&n2 in the sequence
x(2)= n1
x(3)= n2
%the absolute value of the difference between two ratios>0.001
while (abs(x(3)/x(2)-x(2)/x(1))>0.001);
%The Fibonacci sequence.
fprintf('\n The Golden Ratio = %f \n',Ratio);