MATLAB: My MATLAB code which uses a support package works, but why doesn’t the MCC compiled standalone application work

Computer Vision ToolboxMATLAB Compiler

My MATLAB code uses a support package (such as the Matrox support package in Image Acquisition Toolbox R2014a) and it works fine in the MATLAB environment.
If I compile the standalone application with MCC using the following command,
>> mcc -mv video1.m -a c:\dcf\camera1.dcf
Why do I receive the following error when I run video1.exe?
Error using videoinput (line 217)
Invalid ADAPTORNAME specified. Type 'imaqhwinfo' for a list of available ADAPTORNAMEs. Image acquisition adaptors may be available as downloadable support packages. Open Support Package Installer to install additional vendors.

Best Answer

When your MATLAB code uses files from a hardware support package (such as Matrox support package in Image Acquisition Toolbox R2014a) you have to add the files from the support package installation folder (for example 'C:\MATLAB\SupportPackages\R2014a\matrox')
>> mcc -m -v video1.m -a c:\dcf\camera1.dcf -a C:\MATLAB\SupportPackages\R2014a\matrox
Alternatively, you can use DEPLOYTOOL to compile the standalone application: as of MATLAB R2014a, the support packages' locations are detected and selected to be added automatically to the package.