MATLAB: My loop returns imaginary results!

for loopmatlab coder

I write this simple code in a loop, and I obtain unwabted imaginary results. Could you please tell me where my mistake is:
SO = 0.5 .* ones(10,1);
A(1,:) = 5.02 * (16.6 / 42) ^ 0.33 * SO(1,:) ^ 0.38;
for i = 2 : 10
A(i,:) = 5.02 * ((16.6 - sum(A(1:i-1,:)))/ 42) ^ 0.33 * SO(i,:) ^ 0.38;
Thanks in advance
Maryam S.

Best Answer

Evaluate the part
((16.6 - sum(A(1:i-1,:)))/ 42)
and see what happens when the sum(...) is greater than 16.6
Note: No loop needed here sum(...) could be replaced by cumsum(...) and linear indexing is sufficient, subscript indexing is not needed here since it’s a vector.
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