MATLAB: My fluid simulation exploding to very large numbers when I take small step values

differential equationseulerevaporationfluidrunge kuttasimulation

I've been using this piece of code to solve an evaporation simulation, I tried using Euler's method to numerically solve the differential equations and this yielded results that were generally inaccurate (around 30% off from existing data). Still, with that method I got reasonably good results. To improve my calculations I tried using the Runge-Kutta method, but I kept getting answers in the 100,000s for my rate of evaporation (it should be less than 1 most of the time). Reducing the step value (stp) to around 0.1, I got pretty decent results; but they weren't that much more accurate than what I had got by using Euler's method (with Euler's method I used stp values of around 10^-6). When I used small values for stp, many of my terms turned complex, which didn't make sense.
I know this is a fairly long piece of code to sift through but I cannot figure out why this simulation explodes at small step values (e.g. below 0.01). I think it might be matlab rounding off the values at very small scales that might be throwing it off, but I can't be sure. Could anyone suggest methods that I could use to make this work. I think it might be an issue with matlab, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was a glaring issue with my code.
Thanks a lot in advance
Edit: I have added a small if statement below that I used as a flag (I added it after I noticed all my values turning complex). You can remove that if you want to run the entire simulation.
format long g;
%% Defining the constants

L = 0.6; % Characteristic Length of evaporation surface in m

W = 0.6; % Width of the pan in m

A = L*W; % Surface area of one pan in m^2

d = 0.032; % Height of air columns in m

rho = 1.225; % Density of Air in kg/m3

u = 5; % air speed in m/s

Ambient_Temp = 25;
Water_Temp = 40;
RH = 50;
Water_FlowRate = 6; % in LPH

Water_FlowRate = Water_FlowRate/3600; % Conversion to kg/s

%Calculating Absolute Humidity for w_g()

abs = (6.112 * exp((17.67*Ambient_Temp)/(Ambient_Temp + 243.5)) * RH * 2.1674)/((Ambient_Temp+273.15)) * (1/1000);
ma = rho * u * W * d; % mass flow rate of the air (per pan) in kg/s

Kel = 273.15; % Celsius to Kelvin conversion

patm = 101325; % atmospheric pressure in Pa

stp = 0.001; % Size of each step

max_iters = 1/stp; % Number of Iterations

cpv = 1864; % cp of vapor in J/kg-K

cpa = 1000; % cp of dry air in J/kg-K

cpl = 4182; % cp of water in J/kg-K

ifgw = 2500 * 1000; % Latent heat of water at 0C in J/kg

% Constants in saturation pressure definition

a1 = -5800.2206;
a2 = 1.3914993;
a3 = -0.048640239;
a4 = 0.41764768 * 10^-4;
a5 = -0.14452093 * 10^-7;
a6 = 6.5459673;

va = 1.6 * 10^-5; % dynamic viscosity

Dh = (2 * W * d)/(W + d); % Hydraulic Diameter

Re = (u * Dh)/ va; % Reynolds number calculation

Pr = 0.705; %Prandtl number

n = 0.4;
lambda = 0.027; % Conductivity of air in W/m-K

%% Arrays

w_g = 1:max_iters;
T_g = 1:max_iters;
T_l = 1:max_iters;
ml = 1:max_iters;
ig = 1:max_iters;
psat = 1:max_iters;
iv = 1:max_iters;
w_int = 1:max_iters;
h = 1:max_iters;
Lef = 1:max_iters;
cpg = 1:max_iters;
k = 1:max_iters;
w_g(1) = abs/rho; % in relation to absolute humidity calculated above (w_g) is dimensionless so one must divide it by rho so the kg/kg cancels out

T_g(1) = Ambient_Temp + Kel; % Temperature of the Gas

T_l(1) = Water_Temp + Kel; % Temperature of the liquid

ml(1) = Water_FlowRate; % Mass flow rate of the liquid in Kg/s

ig(1) = (cpa)*(T_g(1) - Kel) + (w_g(1) * (ifgw + (cpv * (T_g(1) - Kel)))); % Enthalpy of the moist air in Joules/Kg

%% Dependent terms

psat(1) = exp((a1/T_l(1)) + (a2) + (a3 * T_l(1)) + (a4 * (T_l(1))^2) + (a5 * (T_l(1))^3) + (a6 * log(T_l(1)))); % Saturation pressure of the water

iv(1) = ifgw + cpv*(T_l(1) - Kel); % enthalpy of the water vapour

w_int(1) = (0.622 * psat(1))/(patm-psat(1)); % Moisture content at the interface

if (T_l(1) < T_g(1))
n = 0.3;
h(1) = 0.023*(Re^0.8)*(Pr^n)*(lambda/Dh); % Defining the constant h

Lef(1) = ((0.865)^(2/3))*(((w_int(1) + 0.622)/(w_g(1) + 0.622) - 1)/(log((w_int(1) + 0.622)/(w_g(1) + 0.622)))); % Defining the Lewis constant

cpg(1) = cpa + w_g(1) * cpv; % Defining the specific heat of moist air

k(1) = h(1)/(cpg(1) * Lef(1)); % Definition of constant K

%% Runge-Kutta 4th order Method
for ctr = 2:max_iters
c = ctr - 1;
ki = k(c);
wint = w_int(c);
wg = w_g(c);
Tl = T_l(c);
Tg = T_g(c);
iva = iv(c);
hi = h(c);
mli = ml(c);
igi = ig(c);
pd = wint - wg;
td = Tl - Tg;
% Calculation of j1 ,k1,l1,o1
j1 = stp * (-1 * ki * A * pd);
k1 = stp * (ki * A * pd / ma);
l1 = stp * ((hi * A * td / ma) + (iva * ki * A * pd / ma));
o1 = stp * (A / mli / cpl) * (ki * pd * (cpl*(Tl-Kel)-iva) - hi * td);
% Calculation of j2,k2,l2,o2
m2l = mli + (j1/2);
w2g = wg + (k1/2);
i2g = igi + (l1/2);
T2l = Tl + (o1/2);
p2sat = exp((a1/T2l) + (a2) + (a3 * T2l) + (a4 * (T2l)^2) + (a5 * (T2l)^3) + (a6 * log(T2l)));
w2int = (0.622 * p2sat)/(patm-p2sat);
Lef2 = ((0.865)^(2/3))*(((w2int + 0.622)/(w2g + 0.622) - 1)/(log((w2int + 0.622)/(w2g + 0.622))));
cpg2 = cpa + w2g*cpv;
ki2 = hi/(Lef2 * cpg2);
T2g = ((i2g - (w2g*ifgw))/(cpa + w2g*cpv)) + Kel;
i2v = ifgw + cpv*(T2l-Kel);
p2d = w2int - w2g;
t2d = T2l - T2g;
j2 = stp * (-1 * ki2 * A * p2d);
k2 = stp * (ki2 * A * p2d / ma);
l2 = stp * (hi * A * t2d /ma) + (i2v * ki2 * A * p2d / ma);
o2 = stp * (A / m2l / cpl) * (ki2 * p2d * (cpl * (T2l - Kel) - i2v) - (hi * t2d));
% Calculation of j3,k3,l3,o3
m3l = m2l + (j2/2);
w3g = w2g + (k2/2);
i3g = i2g + (l2/2);
T3l = T2l + (o2/2);
p3sat = exp((a1/T3l) + (a2) + (a3 * T3l) + (a4 * (T3l)^2) + (a5 * (T3l)^3) + (a6 * log(T3l)));
w3int = (0.622 * p3sat)/(patm-p3sat);
Lef3 = ((0.865)^(2/3))*(((w3int + 0.622)/(w3g + 0.622) - 1)/(log((w3int + 0.622)/(w3g + 0.622))));
cpg3 = cpa + w3g*cpv;
ki3 = hi/(Lef3 * cpg3);
T3g = ((i3g - (w3g*ifgw))/(cpa + w3g*cpv)) + Kel;
i3v = ifgw + cpv*(T3l-Kel);
p3d = w3int - w3g;
t3d = T3l - T3g;
j3 = stp * (-1 * ki3 * A * p3d);
k3 = stp * (ki3 * A * p3d / ma);
l3 = stp * (hi * A * t3d /ma) + (i3v * ki3 * A * p3d / ma);
o3 = stp * (A / m3l / cpl) * (ki3 * p3d * (cpl * (T3l - Kel) - i3v) - (hi * t3d));
% Calculation of j4,k4,l4,o4
m4l = m3l + (j3/2);
w4g = w3g + (k3/2);
i4g = i3g + (l3/2);
T4l = T3l + (o3/2);
p4sat = exp((a1/T4l) + (a2) + (a3 * T4l) + (a4 * (T4l)^2) + (a5 * (T4l)^3) + (a6 * log(T4l)));
w4int = (0.622 * p4sat)/(patm-p4sat);
Lef4 = ((0.865)^(2/3))*(((w4int + 0.622)/(w4g + 0.622) - 1)/(log((w4int + 0.622)/(w4g + 0.622))));
cpg4 = cpa + w4g*cpv;
ki4 = hi/(Lef4 * cpg4);
T4g = ((i4g - (w4g*ifgw))/(cpa + w4g*cpv)) + Kel;
i4v = ifgw + cpv*(T4l-Kel);
p4d = w4int - w4g;
t4d = T4l - T4g;
j4 = stp * (-1 * ki4 * A * p4d);
k4 = stp * (ki4 * A * p4d / ma);
l4 = stp * (hi * A * t4d /ma) + (i4v * ki4 * A * p4d / ma);
o4 = stp * (A / m4l / cpl) * (ki4 * p4d * (cpl * (T4l - Kel) - i4v) - (hi * t4d));
% Plugging deriving next term
ml(ctr) = ml(c) + (j1 + 2*j2 + 2*j3 + j4)/6;
w_g(ctr) = w_g(c) + (k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4)/6;
ig(ctr) = ig(c) + (l1 + 2*l2 + 2*l3 + l4)/6;
T_l(ctr) = T_l(c) + (o1 + 2*o2 + 2*o3 + o4)/6;
% Updating dependent terms

T_g(ctr) = ((ig(ctr) - (w_g(ctr)*ifgw))/(cpa + w_g(ctr)*cpv)) + Kel;
psat(ctr) = exp((a1/T_l(ctr)) + (a2) + (a3 * T_l(ctr)) + (a4 * (T_l(ctr))^2) + (a5 * (T_l(ctr))^3) + (a6 * log(T_l(ctr)))); % Saturation pressure of the water
iv(ctr) = ifgw + cpv*(T_l(ctr) - Kel); % enthalpy of the water vapour
w_int(ctr) = (0.622 * psat(ctr))/(patm-psat(ctr)); % Moisture content at the interface
if (T_l(ctr) < T_g(ctr))
n = 0.3;
h(ctr) = 0.023*(Re^0.8)*(Pr^n)*(lambda/Dh); % Defining the constant h
Lef(ctr) = ((0.865)^(2/3))*(((w_int(ctr) + 0.622)/(w_g(ctr) + 0.622) - 1)/(log((w_int(ctr) + 0.622)/(w_g(ctr) + 0.622)))); % Defining the Lewis constant
cpg(ctr) = cpa + w_g(ctr) * cpv; % Defining the specific heat of moist air
k(ctr) = h(ctr)/(cpg(ctr) * Lef(ctr)); % Definition of constant K
if (imag(ml(ctr))) ~= 0

L_array = L/max_iters:L/max_iters:L;
t_w = 1/10000;
t = L/ma;
diff = ml(1) - ml(end);
evap = diff * 3600;
dw = w_int - w_g;
plot(L_array, dw);
For reference, this is the code with Euler's method, it is much simpler, but continually underestimates the evaporation rate

format long g;
%% Defining the constants
L = 0.6; % Characteristic Length of evaporation surface in m
W = 0.6; % Width of the pan in m
A = L*W; % Surface area of one pan in m^2
d = 0.032; % Height of air columns in m
rho = 1.225; % Density of Air in kg/m3
u = 5; % air speed in m/s
Ambient_Temp = 25;
Water_Temp = 60;
RH = 50;
Brine_FlowRate = 6; % in LPH
Brine_FlowRate = Brine_FlowRate/3600; % Conversion to kg/s
%Calculating Absolute Humidity for w_g()
abs = (6.112 * exp((17.67*Ambient_Temp)/(Ambient_Temp + 243.5)) * RH * 2.1674)/((Ambient_Temp+273.15)) * (1/1000);
ma = rho * u * W * d; % mass flow rate of the air (per pan) in kg/s
Kel = 273.15; % Celsius to Kelvin conversion
patm = 101325; % atmospheric pressure in Pa
stp = (10^-6); % Size of each step
max_iters = 1/stp; % Number of Iterations
cpv = 1864; % cp of vapor in J/kg-K
cpa = 1000; % cp of dry air in J/kg-K
cpl = 4182; % cp of water in J/kg-K
ifgw = 2500 * 1000; % Latent heat of water at 0C in J/kg
% Constants in saturation pressure definition
a1 = -5800.2206;
a2 = 1.3914993;
a3 = -0.048640239;
a4 = 0.41764768 * 10^-4;
a5 = -0.14452093 * 10^-7;
a6 = 6.5459673;
va = 1.6 * 10^-5; % dynamic viscosity
Dh = (2 * W * d)/(W + d); % Hydraulic Diameter
Re = (u * Dh)/ va; % Reynolds number calculation
Pr = 0.705; %Prandtl number
n = 0.4;
lambda = 0.027; % Conductivity of air in W/m-K
%% Arrays
w_g = 1:max_iters;
T_g = 1:max_iters;
T_l = 1:max_iters;
ml = 1:max_iters;
ig = 1:max_iters;
psat = 1:max_iters;
iv = 1:max_iters;
w_int = 1:max_iters;
h = 1:max_iters;
Lef = 1:max_iters;
cpg = 1:max_iters;
k = 1:max_iters;
w_g(1) = abs/rho; % in relation to absolute humidity calculated above (w_g) is dimensionless so one must divide it by rho so the kg/kg cancels out
T_g(1) = Ambient_Temp + Kel; % Temperature of the Gas
T_l(1) = Water_Temp + Kel; % Temperature of the liquid
ml(1) = Brine_FlowRate; % Mass flow rate of the liquid in Kg/s
ig(1) = (cpa)*(T_g(1) - Kel) + (w_g(1) * (ifgw + (cpv * (T_g(1) - Kel)))); % Enthalpy of the moist air in Joules/Kg
%% Dependent terms
psat(1) = exp((a1/T_l(1)) + (a2) + (a3 * T_l(1)) + (a4 * (T_l(1))^2) + (a5 * (T_l(1))^3) + (a6 * log(T_l(1)))); % Saturation pressure of the water
iv(1) = ifgw + cpv*(T_l(1) - Kel); % enthalpy of the water vapour
w_int(1) = (0.622 * psat(1))/(patm-psat(1)); % Moisture content at the interface
if (T_l(1) < T_g(1))
n = 0.3;
h(1) = 0.023*(Re^0.8)*(Pr^n)*(lambda/Dh); % Defining the constant h
Lef(1) = ((0.865)^(2/3))*(((w_int(1) + 0.622)/(w_g(1) + 0.622) - 1)/(log((w_int(1) + 0.622)/(w_g(1) + 0.622)))); % Defining the Lewis constant
cpg(1) = cpa + w_g(1) * cpv; % Defining the specific heat of moist air
k(1) = h(1)/(cpg(1) * Lef(1)); % Definition of constant K
%% Solving the DEs using Euler's method
for ctr = 2:max_iters
c = ctr - 1;
ki = k(c);
wint = w_int(c);
wg = w_g(c);
Tl = T_l(c);
Tg = T_g(c);
iva = iv(c);
hi = h(c);
mli = ml(c);
pd = wint - wg;
td = Tl - Tg;
delM = stp * (-1 * ki * A * pd);
delW = stp * (ki * A * pd / ma);
delI = stp * ((hi * A * td / ma) + (iva * ki * A * pd / ma));
delT = stp * (A / mli / cpl) * (ki * pd * (cpl*(Tl-Kel)-iva) - hi * td);
ml(ctr) = ml(c) + delM;

Best Answer

I found a solution in the comments. I updated the value of n at each stage of the computations of j,k,l,o and now it is working as expected. Here is a code solution for the fluid simulation that works as intended:
format long g;
%% Defining the constants
L = 0.6; % Characteristic Length of evaporation surface in m
W = 0.6; % Width of the pan in m
A = L*W; % Surface area of one pan in m^2
d = 0.032; % Height of air columns in m
rho = 1.225; % Density of Air in kg/m3
u = 5; % air speed in m/s
Ambient_Temp = 30;
Water_Temp = 40;
RH = 40;
Water_FlowRate = 6; % in LPH
Water_FlowRate = Water_FlowRate/3600; % Conversion to kg/s
%Calculating Absolute Humidity for w_g()
abs = (6.112 * exp((17.67 * Ambient_Temp)/(Ambient_Temp + 243.5)) * RH * 2.1674)/((Ambient_Temp+273.15)) * (1/1000);
ma = rho * u * W * d; % mass flow rate of the air (per pan) in kg/s
Kel = 273.15; % Celsius to Kelvin conversion
patm = 101325; % atmospheric pressure in Pa
delX = 0.01; % Size of each step
max_iters = 1/delX; % Number of Iterations
cpv = 1864; % cp of vapor in J/kg-K
cpa = 1005; % cp of dry air in J/kg-K
cpl = 4182; % cp of water in J/kg-K
ifgw = 2500 * 1000; % Latent heat of water at 0C in J/kg
% Constants in saturation pressure definition
a1 = -5800.2206;
a2 = 1.3914993;
a3 = -0.048640239;
a4 = 0.41764768 * 10^-4;
a5 = -0.14452093 * 10^-7;
a6 = 6.5459673;
%% Arrays
w_g = 1:max_iters;
T_g = 1:max_iters;
T_l = 1:max_iters;
ml = 1:max_iters;
ig = 1:max_iters;
psat = 1:max_iters;
iv = 1:max_iters;
w_int = 1:max_iters;
h = 1:max_iters;
Lef = 1:max_iters;
cpg = 1:max_iters;
k = 1:max_iters;
w_g(1) = abs/rho; % in relation to absolute humidity calculated above (w_g) is dimensionless so one must divide it by rho so the kg/kg cancels out
T_g(1) = Ambient_Temp + Kel; % Temperature of the Gas
T_l(1) = Water_Temp + Kel; % Temperature of the liquid
ml(1) = Water_FlowRate; % Mass flow rate of the liquid in Kg/s
ig(1) = (cpa)*(T_g(1) - Kel) + (w_g(1) * (ifgw + (cpv * (T_g(1) - Kel)))); % Enthalpy of the moist air in Joules/Kg
%% Dependent terms
va = ((0.009392 * T_l(1)) - 1.237) * 10^-5; % dynamic viscosity

Dh = (2 * W * d)/(W + d); % Hydraulic Diameter
Re = (u * Dh)/ va; % Reynolds number calculation

Pr = (-0.0002697 * T_l(1)) + 0.81; %Prandtl number

n = 0.4;
lambda = 0.027; % Conductivity of air in W/m-K
psat(1) = exp((a1/T_l(1)) + (a2) + (a3 * T_l(1)) + (a4 * (T_l(1))^2) + (a5 * (T_l(1))^3) + (a6 * log(T_l(1)))); % Saturation pressure of the water

iv(1) = ifgw + cpv*(T_l(1) - Kel); % enthalpy of the water vapour

w_int(1) = (0.622 * psat(1))/(patm-psat(1)); % Moisture content at the interface

if (T_l(1) < T_g(1))
n = 0.3;
h(1) = 0.023*(Re^0.8)*(Pr^n)*(lambda/Dh); % Defining the constant h

Lef(1) = ((0.865)^(2/3))*(((w_int(1) + 0.622)/(w_g(1) + 0.622) - 1)/(log((w_int(1) + 0.622)/(w_g(1) + 0.622)))); % Defining the Lewis constant

cpg(1) = cpa + w_g(1) * cpv; % Defining the specific heat of moist air

k(1) = h(1)/(cpg(1) * Lef(1)); % Definition of constant K
%% Runge-Kutta 4th order Method
for ctr = 2:max_iters
% Defining first terms
c = ctr - 1;
ki1 = k(c);
wint1 = w_int(c);
wg1 = w_g(c);
Tl1 = T_l(c);
Tg1 = T_g(c);
iv1 = iv(c);
h1 = h(c);
ml1 = ml(c);
ig1 = ig(c);
pd = wint1 - wg1;
td = Tl1 - Tg1;
j1 = delX * (-1 * ki1 * A * pd);
k1 = delX * (ki1 * A * pd / ma);
l1 = delX * ((h1 * A * td / ma) + (iv1 * ki1 * A * pd / ma));
o1 = delX * ((A / (ml1 * cpl)) * ((ki1 * pd * (cpl*(Tl1 - Kel) - iv1)) - (h1 * td)));
% Defining second terms
ml2 = ml1 + (j1/2);
wg2 = wg1 + (k1/2);
ig2 = ig1 + (l1/2);
Tl2 = Tl1 + (o1/2);
va = ((0.009392 * Tl2) - 1.237) * 10^-5; % dynamic viscosity
Re = (u * Dh)/ va; % Reynolds number calculation
Pr = (-0.0002697 * Tl2) + 0.81; %Prandtl number
psat2 = exp((a1/Tl2) + (a2) + (a3 * Tl2) + (a4 * (Tl2)^2) + (a5 * (Tl2)^3) + (a6 * log(Tl2)));
iv2 = ifgw + cpv*(Tl2 - Kel);
wint2 = (0.622 * psat2)/(patm-psat2);
Tg2 = ((ig2 - (wg2*ifgw))/(cpa + wg2*cpv)) + Kel;
if (Tl2 < Tg2)
n = 0.3;
h2 = 0.023*(Re^0.8)*(Pr^n)*(lambda/Dh);
Lef2 = ((0.865)^(2/3))*(((wint2 + 0.622)/(wg2 + 0.622) - 1)/(log((wint2 + 0.622)/(wg2 + 0.622))));
cpg2 = cpa + wg2 * cpv;
ki2 = h2/(cpg2 * Lef2);
pd2 = wint2-wg2;
td2 = Tl2-Tg2;
j2 = delX * (-1 * ki2 * A * pd2);
k2 = delX * (ki2 * A * pd2 / ma);
l2 = delX * ((h2 * A * td2 / ma) + (iv2 * ki2 * A * pd2 / ma));
o2 = delX * ((A / ml2 / cpl) * (ki2 * pd2 * (cpl*(Tl2-Kel) - iv2) - (h2 * td2)));
% Defining third terms
ml3 = ml1 + (j2/2);
wg3 = wg1 + (k2/2);
ig3 = ig1 + (l2/2);
Tl3 = Tl1 + (o2/2);
va = ((0.009392 * Tl3) - 1.237) * 10^-5; % dynamic viscosity
Re = (u * Dh)/ va; % Reynolds number calculation
Pr = (-0.0002697 * Tl3) + 0.81; %Prandtl number
psat3 = exp((a1/Tl3) + (a2) + (a3 * Tl3) + (a4 * (Tl3)^2) + (a5 * (Tl3)^3) + (a6 * log(Tl3)));
iv3 = ifgw + cpv*(Tl3 - Kel);
wint3 = (0.622 * psat3)/(patm-psat3);
Tg3 = ((ig3 - (wg3*ifgw))/(cpa + wg3*cpv)) + Kel;
if (Tl3 < Tg3)
n = 0.3;
h3 = 0.023*(Re^0.8)*(Pr^n)*(lambda/Dh);
Lef3 = ((0.865)^(2/3))*(((wint3 + 0.622)/(wg3 + 0.622) - 1)/(log((wint3 + 0.622)/(wg3 + 0.622))));
cpg3 = cpa + wg3 * cpv;
ki3 = h3/(cpg3 * Lef3);
pd3 = wint3-wg3;
td3 = Tl3-Tg3;
j3 = delX * (-1 * ki3 * A * pd3);
k3 = delX * (ki3 * A * pd3 / ma);
l3 = delX * ((h3 * A * td3 / ma) + (iv3 * ki3 * A * pd3 / ma));
o3 = delX * ((A / ml3 / cpl) * (ki3 * pd3 * (cpl*(Tl3-Kel) - iv3) - (h3 * td3)));
% Defining 4th terms
ml4 = ml1 + (j3/2);
wg4 = wg1 + (k3/2);
ig4 = ig1 + (l3/2);
Tl4 = Tl1 + (o3/2);
va = ((0.009392 * Tl4) - 1.237) * 10^-5; % dynamic viscosity
Re = (u * Dh)/ va; % Reynolds number calculation
Pr = (-0.0002697 * Tl4) + 0.81; %Prandtl number
psat4 = exp((a1/Tl4) + (a2) + (a3 * Tl4) + (a4 * (Tl4)^2) + (a5 * (Tl4)^3) + (a6 * log(Tl4)));
iv4 = ifgw + cpv*(Tl4 - Kel);
wint4 = (0.622 * psat4)/(patm-psat4);
Tg4 = ((ig4 - (wg4*ifgw))/(cpa + wg4*cpv)) + Kel;
if (Tl4 < Tg4)
n = 0.3;
h4 = 0.023*(Re^0.8)*(Pr^n)*(lambda/Dh);
Lef4 = ((0.865)^(2/3))*(((wint4 + 0.622)/(wg4 + 0.622) - 1)/(log((wint4 + 0.622)/(wg4 + 0.622))));
cpg4 = cpa + wg4 * cpv;
ki4 = h4/(cpg4 * Lef4);
pd4 = wint4-wg4;
td4 = Tl4-Tg4;
j4 = delX * (-1 * ki4 * A * pd4);
k4 = delX * (ki4 * A * pd4 / ma);
l4 = delX * ((h4 * A * td4 / ma) + (iv4 * ki4 * A * pd4 / ma));
o4 = delX * ((A / ml4 / cpl) * (ki4 * pd4 * (cpl*(Tl4-Kel) - iv4) - (h4 * td)));
% Finding the value at i+1
ml(ctr) = ml(c) + ((j1 + 2 * j2 + 2 * j3 + j4)/6);
w_g(ctr) = w_g(c) + ((k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4)/6);
ig(ctr) = ig(c) + ((l1 + 2 * l2 + 2 * l3 + l4)/6);
T_l(ctr) = T_l(c) + ((o1 + 2 * o2 + 2 * o3 + o4)/6);
if (Tl1 <= 0) || (Tl2 <= 0) || (Tl3 <= 0) || (Tl4 <= 0)
disp("1 : " + wint1 + " psat : " + psat(c) + " Tl : " + Tl1 + " o value : " + o1 + " TL : " + Tl1);
disp("2 : " + wint2 + " psat : " + psat2 + " Tl : " + Tl2 + " o value : " + o2 + " TL : " + Tl2);
disp("3 : " + wint3 + " psat : " + psat3 + " Tl : " + Tl3 + " o value : " + o3 + " TL : " + Tl3);
disp("4 : " + wint4 + " psat : " + psat4 + " Tl : " + Tl4 + " o value : " + o4 + " TL : " + Tl4);
% Updating dependent values
T_g(ctr) = ((ig(ctr) - (w_g(ctr)*ifgw))/(cpa + w_g(ctr)*cpv)) + Kel;
va = ((0.009392 * T_l(ctr)) - 1.237) * 10^-5; % dynamic viscosity
Re = (u * Dh)/ va; % Reynolds number calculation
Pr = (-0.0002697 * T_l(ctr)) + 0.81; %Prandtl number
psat(ctr) = exp((a1/T_l(ctr)) + (a2) + (a3 * T_l(ctr)) + (a4 * (T_l(ctr))^2) + (a5 * (T_l(ctr))^3) + (a6 * log(T_l(ctr)))); % Saturation pressure of the water
iv(ctr) = ifgw + cpv*(T_l(ctr) - Kel); % enthalpy of the water vapour
w_int(ctr) = (0.622 * psat(ctr))/(patm-psat(ctr)); % Moisture content at the interface
if (T_l(ctr) < T_g(ctr))
n = 0.3;
h(ctr) = 0.023*(Re^0.8)*(Pr^n)*(lambda/Dh); % Defining the constant h
Lef(ctr) = ((0.865)^(2/3))*(((w_int(ctr) + 0.622)/(w_g(ctr) + 0.622) - 1)/(log((w_int(ctr) + 0.622)/(w_g(ctr) + 0.622)))); % Defining the Lewis constant
cpg(ctr) = cpa + w_g(ctr) * cpv; % Defining the specific heat of moist air
k(ctr) = h(ctr)/(cpg(ctr) * Lef(ctr)); % Definition of constant K
L_array = L/max_iters:L/max_iters:L;
t_w = 1/10000;
t = L/ma;
diff = ml(1) - ml(end);
evap = diff * 3600;
dw = w_int - w_g;
O_AH = w_g(end)* 1.225;
O_Tg = T_g(end) - Kel;
O_RH = (1000 * O_AH * (273.15 + O_Tg)) / (6.112 * exp((17.67 * O_Tg)/(O_Tg + 243.5)) * 2.1674);
disp("Output RH is : " + O_RH + "%");