MATLAB: My curve is not fitting

curve fitting

Hello All, I am trying to fit my experimental data with an analytical equation. I am attaching my data and the code that I used. I am doing some mistake. But I am not able to solve it. Thanks in advance for your help.

Best Answer

The coefficients that it comes up with are pretty close to the best you can get for that equation. The best coefficients are quite close to a = 774.958449381415 b = 0.000201392498068715, which I determined by sweeping a lot of the search space. The residual is on the order of 3.48E-9. Coefficients in the range of a = 550-ish with b as large as 45 can give a residual on the order of 7E-9 which is really not bad: it just happens that there is a narrow range above 750 that can do better on a relative scale.