MATLAB: My command runs with the cmd but not with the dos matlab function. Why


I want to launch an ANSYS simulation from Matlab by using the "dos" function. It asks to execute the following dos command:
"C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v150\ANSYS\bin\winx64\ansys150.exe" -p aa_t_a -dir "E:\MEF_pre" -j "Simu" -s read -l en-us -b -i "E:\MEF_pre\Conditions_limites_volume_AllAtOnce.f" -o "E:\MEF_pre\file.out"'
When I enter the command line in the cmd, everything work perfectly. But when I execute the command from Matlab with "dos" or "!" the simulation stops at the first iteration with a simple error window ("Mechanical APDL Program stopped working") without any diagnosis. Why do I have two different results with apparently the same entry?
I use Matlab R2014b, ANSYS v15.0.7 and windows 7 64 bits. I use the dos function as follow:
>> dos('"C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v150\ANSYS\bin\winx64\ansys150.exe" -p aa_t_a -dir "E:\MEF_pre" -j "Simu" -s read -l en-us -b -i "E:\MEF_pre\Conditions_limites_volume_AllAtOnce.f" -o "E:\MEF_pre\file.out"');