MATLAB: My code has the error: Too many outputs requested. Most likely cause is missing [] around left hand side that has a comma separated list expansion.


I need help with the following code. I want to plot image sequence points. But in line where is written "pend_centers( count,:) = property.Centroid;" it´s received the error Too many outputs resquested…
fileFolder = fullfile('C:\Users\Enrique\Desktop\Video - prueba levitron\Prueba14aIMGJbmp');
dirOutput = dir(fullfile(fileFolder, 'Prueba14aIMGJbmp*.bmp'));
fileNames = {}';
numFrames = numel(fileNames);
I = imread(fileNames{1});
FR = imcrop(I,[45 118 290 300]); %FR = frame_region
sequence = zeros([size(FR) numFrames],class(FR));
sequence(:,:,:,1) = FR;
for p = 1:numFrames
sequence(:,:,:,p) = imcrop((imread(fileNames{p})), [45 118 290 300]);
image = imcrop((imread('Prueba14aIMGJbmp0000.bmp')), [45 118 290 300]);%imread('Prueba14aIMGJbmp0000.bmp');
darkCar = rgb2gray(image);
bw = imextendedmax(darkCar, 67);
imshow(image), figure, imshow(bw)
sedisk = strel('diamond',9);
noSmallStructures = imopen(bw, sedisk);
sequence2 = zeros([size(FR,1) size(FR,2) 3 numFrames], class(FR));
for k = 2 : numFrames
%sequence(:,:,:,k) = SingleFrame
SingleFrame = imcrop((imread(fileNames{k})), [45 118 290 300]);
% Convert to grayscale to do morphological processing.
I = rgb2gray(SingleFrame);
% Remove dark points.
bws = imextendedmax(I, 67);
% Remove lane markings and other non-disk shaped structures.
noSmallStructures = imopen(bws, sedisk);
% Remove small structures.
%noSmallStructures = bwareaopen(noSmallStructures, 150);
% Get the area and centroid of each remaining object in the frame. The
% object with the largest area is the light-colored point. Create a copy
% of the original frame and tag the point by changing the centroid pixel
% value to red.
sequence2(:,:,:,k) = SingleFrame;
bws = imclearborder(bws);
seg_pend(:,:,k) = bws;
stats = regionprops(noSmallStructures, {'Centroid','Area'});
if ~isempty([stats.Area])
areaArray = [stats.Area];
[junk,idx] = max(areaArray);
c = stats(idx).Centroid;
c = floor(fliplr(c));
width = 2;
row = c(1)-width:c(1)+width;
col = c(2)-width:c(2)+width;
sequence2(row,col,1,k) = 255;
sequence2(row,col,2,k) = 0;
sequence2(row,col,3,k) = 0;
%%%%%%%%%%Point trajectory representation
pend_centers = []; %zeros(numFrames,2);
for count = 1:numFrames
property = regionprops(seg_pend(:,:,count), 'Centroid');
pend_centers(count,:) = property.Centroid; % ERROR
x = pend_centers(:,1);
y = pend_centers(:,2);
axis ij
axis equal
hold on;
title('axis point');
I've been looking over the code but i don't know how to solve the error. I would be really grateful if yo help me out. regards

Best Answer

In the section
for count = 1:numFrames property = regionprops(seg_pend(:,:,count), 'Centroid'); pend_centers(count,:) = property.Centroid; % ERROR end
more than one region is being detected so property is a nonscalar structure and property.Centroid is structure expansion to multiple output