MATLAB: Multithreaded FILTER


I've found several references which tell that Matlab's filter is multi-threaded since R2007a, e.g. MathWorks:Solution 1-4PG4AN.
The test:
function myFilterTest
x = rand(1e6, 2);
x1 = x(:,1);
x2 = x(:,2);
% [B, A] = butter(3, 0.2, 'low'); % Butterworth 3rd order lowpass filter
B = [0.01809893300751, 0.05429679902254, 0.05429679902254, 0.01809893300751];
A = [1, -1.760041880343, 1.182893262037, -0.2780599176345];
for i=1:100
y = filter(B, A, x); % Matrix
% clear('y'); % Avoid smart JIT interferences => same effects!
for i=1:100
y1 = filter(B, A, x1); % Two vectors
y2 = filter(B, A, x2);
% clear('y1', 'y2'); % No qualitative changes
[EDITED, 12-Dec-2012 22:38 UTC]: Explicite A and B instead of calling butter of SPT
Results on a Windows7/64 Core2Duo:
Matlab 2009b/64:
5.34 sec (matrix)
5.22 sec (two vectors)
Matlab 2009b/64 started with -singleCompThread:
5.23 sec (matrix)
5.24 sec (two vectors)
Matlab 2011b:
4.75 sec (matrix)
4.99 sec (two vectors)
My expectations: 1. The value of a filtered signal to a specific time depends on the complete history for an IIR filter like the Butterworth. Therefore the filtering of a vector cannot take advantage from multi-threading (is this correct?). 2. In opposite to this, filtering a [n x 2] signal should occupy two cores, such that a multi-threaded filter should need approximately the same time as for a [n x 1] signal (is this correct?).
But my double-core processor has a load of 57% during the calculations and the filtering needs nearly the same time, when I start Matlab with the -singleCompThread flag.
My conclusion: It looks like filter is not multi-threaded. Can somebody confirm this impression for 4 or 8 cores? Then with "x = rand(1e6, 8)" and "x1" to "x8". I get equivalent results for FIR filter parameters with A=1. For a 12th order Butterworth the matrix method gets an advantage of 10%.

Best Answer

I ran this on my 8-core machine using R2009a:
function myFilterTest
x = rand(1e6, 8);
x1 = x(:,1);
x2 = x(:,2);
x3 = x(:,3);
x4 = x(:,4);
x5 = x(:,5);
x6 = x(:,6);
x7 = x(:,7);
x8 = x(:,8);
[B, A] = butter(3, 0.2, 'low');
for i=1:100
y = filter(B, A, x); % Matrix
% clear('y'); % Avoid smart JIT interferences => same effects!
for i=1:100
y1 = filter(B, A, x1); % Eight vectors
y2 = filter(B, A, x2);
y3 = filter(B, A, x3);
y4 = filter(B, A, x4);
y5 = filter(B, A, x5);
y6 = filter(B, A, x6);
y7 = filter(B, A, x7);
y8 = filter(B, A, x8);
% clear('y1', 'y2'); % No qualitative changes
clear all;
And got this:
Elapsed time is 16.865596 seconds.
Elapsed time is 16.117599 seconds.
Only one core was active during each test.
I ran this on my 8-core machine using R2011a and got:
Elapsed time is 12.542615 seconds.
Elapsed time is 16.268821 seconds.
All eight cores were active for the first test (on the matrix) and only a single core for the seconds test (on individual vectors).
I added this to the bottom of the test:
y_par = zeros(size(x));
parfor j = 1:8
for i=1:100
y_par(:,j) = filter(B, A, x(:,j));
% clear('y_par'); % No qualitative changes
toc; matlabpool close;
And got this when using R2011a:
Elapsed time is 13.305009 seconds.
Elapsed time is 16.398203 seconds.
Starting matlabpool using the 'local' configuration ... connected to 8 labs.
Elapsed time is 3.542021 seconds.
Sending a stop signal to all the labs ... stopped.