MATLAB: Multiplying elements from various tables to create a third table


Hi there,
I'm a beginner to Matlab, and I have a very shaky foundation. However, I need the help of Matlab to do some analysis. I would highly appreciate your help!
I have two types of data sets I'm drawing from
(for n =1:82 tables) Table A_n(70080 x 4)
Table B(82 x 1)
Basically, I need to individually multiple the 'nth' element in Table B by the second column of Table A_n.
This should result in Table C (70080 x 82).
I know I can produce the variables for each column vector of Table C by inputting this:
Col_1 = A_1(:,2)*B(1,1);
Col_2 = A_2(:,2)*B(2,1);
Col_n = A_n(:,2)*B(n,1);
but it is manually taxing. Furthermore, I have no idea how to input these into an actual table. This would require some sort of concantenation?
Initially I wanted to dynamically create these variables but I have read elsewhere that doing so is actually quite troublesome.
Is there any way for me to input these variables directly into a table?
And to do this all through a for loop…

Best Answer

I was able to find the answer to my problem, successfully creating 3 70080x82 tables and using a loop to load in all 82 files
>> load Referenceheights.txt
myFilenames = cell(82,1);
My = [];
Mx = [];
Mz = [];
for i = 1:82
str = strcat('1000YearReturn_300deg_Story',' ', num2str(i),'.txt');
myFilenames{i} = str;
S = load(myFilenames{i});
My(:,i) = S(:,2)*Referenceheights(i,1);
Mx(:,i) = S(:,3)*-Referenceheights(i,1);
Mz(:,i) = S(:,4);
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