MATLAB: Multiply two 3D arrays that result would be 4D

3d array4d arraygpu

Hello to All,
I am trying to work and understand 4D arrays. Lets say I have two 3D gpuArrays a(100x5x5) and b(5x5x5). I would like to multiply them that it would result in 4D array c(100x5x5x5), and example of multiplication:
For j=1:5
For i=1:5
What would be the way to achieve this. I am trying to go for 4D arrays, because I would like to avoid for loops.

Best Answer

Assuming I understand what you are trying to do,
result = permute(a,[1 4 2 3]) .* permute(b,[4 2 1 3]);
or in earlier versions of MATLAB
result = bsxfun(@times,permute(a,[1 4 2 3]) , permute(b,[4 2 1 3]));