MATLAB: Multiplication of matrix with It’s Diagonal Element to It’s Row

MATLABmultiplication of matrix with it's diagonal element to it's rowsimulink

I Have this below matrix.
z=[a11 a12 a13;
b21 b22 b23;
c31 c32 c33]
I want out put of the Matrix like this.
q=[1 -(a12/a11) -(a13/a11);
(-b21/b22) 1 (-b23/b22);
(-c31/c33) (-c32/c33) 1]
Can you please send me program for this Matrix operation.

Best Answer

a=[1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9]
out=bsxfun(@rdivide, -a,diag(a))