MATLAB: Multiple Values in one Field

channels;fieldsmultiple vaulesThingSpeak

I am still quite new at Thingspeak and do not yet have the idea where to look exactly. As a result, I spent the last few hours trying to find a solution to my problem, unfortunately without success. My problem is, we have 8 fields per channel, but I have a sensor package with 10 parameters. Can I insert several parameters into one single field using an Arduino code or do I have to create a new channel separately and then merge them using the example you provided? For example, I wanted to send the dust fractions for p10 and p25 in a field. I hope you can help me:)

Best Answer

You can pack more data into a field, but, you will have to use your own algorithm in MATLAB to unpack the data and update MATLAB visualizations to see the data. Built in charts on ThingSpeak assume a single value per field.
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