MATLAB: Multiple Selection in uitable

multiple selection of cellsuitable

Hi, I have a row of characters in a uitable and I need to select multiple elements of it, store the indices of all selections and then apply subsequent actions: how to do that?

Best Answer

If you want to select multiple elements in UITable, hold down the shift button. Add Cell Selection callback to the table, selected indices, you'll have in variable event.indices. Since I haven't used it before, you need to verify, if you get indices with every click or when the shift button is released.
% Callback function
function UITableValuesCellSelection(app, event)
indices = event.Indices; % indices is probably a numeric array (n,2) where n is number of selected cells
app.results = CalcFunction(app, indices); % results is the property of the app, CalcFunction is a helper function
function CalcFunction(app,indices)
% Access the table data through indices you sent to function
% code