MATLAB: Multiple polar plot in one figure

polar plot

Dear All,
I am trying to plot multiple polar plot in one figure, just like the image shown below
I have made one script which can make only one polar plot at a time for the inputs C11, C22, C12, C66;
theta = 0:0.01:2*pi;
C11 = input('Enter value of c11 in N/m:');
C22 = input('Enter value of c22 in N/m:');
C12 =input('Enter value of c12 in N/m:');
C66 =input('Enter value of c66 in N/m:');
y = (C11*C22 - C12.^2)./((C11.*s.^4) + (C22.*c.^4) +((C11*C22 - C12.^2)/C66 - 2*C12).*c.^2.*s.^2);
However i have 3 set of C11, C22, C12, C66, i want to plot them together. I am attching my data below in excel sheet. Kindly help.

Best Answer

theta = 0:0.01:2*pi;
C11 = [314.127; 157.485; 155.944];
C22 = [314.609; 157.798; 156.038];
C12 =[64.253; 28.292; 36.88] ;
C66 =[124.974; 64.516; 59.618];
y = zeros(3,length(c)) ;
for i = 1:3
y(i,:) = (C11(i).*C22(i) - C12(i).^2)./((C11(i).*s.^4) + ........
(C22(i).*c.^4) +((C11(i).*C22(i) - C12(i).^2)/C66(i) - 2*C12(i)).*c.^2.*s.^2);