MATLAB: Multiple plots in one 3D, bug

3d plotsguiguide

Hi Community,
I build a GUI with GUIDE and want 2 3D-plots in one axes. My essential Code.
function l1_listbox_Callback
hold on
myplot = plot3(handles.plot3D_axes,X,Y,Z);
I got this in a listbox which choose between different data. There shall be a posibility to get multiple plots at the same time in one axes-object. But described Code only has effect after I used a pan/rotate-uipushtool with default callback on the axes. Without this it just deletes the old plot and shows the new one.
I tried to cheat with rotate(h,direction, alpha), rotate(h,direction,-alpha), to get this miracle effect after a rotation but with no success.
Any idea?

Best Answer

Use the function form of hold() and pass the axes handle.