MATLAB: Multiple plot handles to the same figure

multiple handlesone figuresame figure

I have two handles created with something like,
hTri= trimesh();
hFill= fill3();
where two figures act as parent's for hTri, say hTRiP, and the parent for hFill is hFillP.
I would now and then like to display both hTri and hFill in the same figur, say hTriP.
I've tried to set the 'Parent' and 'Children' properties for hTri and hFill, to hTriP. Either I'm doing something wrong or I'm in a blind of what to do… I do not wish to re-plot the figures, just show them both sometimes in the same figure, sometimes in two separate.
Thanks for any help!

Best Answer

Have you tried copyobj? you can use this to reparent a copy: