MATLAB: Multiple number of inputs, two variables, linear regression

linear regression

so, i need to insert two variables (14 times each) and find the linear regression of those values
i wrote this code :
clear all
n=input('give n:'); %, 's');
x=zeros(n,1); % pinakas nx1

y=zeros(n,1); % pinakas nx1
for i=1:n
x(i)=input(['give x:' num2str(i,3)], 's');
y(i)=input(['give y:' num2str(i,3)], 's');
but each time i input two digit number i get this message: "Unable to perform assignment because the left and right sides have a different number of elements."
what am i doing wrong?
thank you

Best Answer

x(i)=input(['give x:' num2str(i,3)], 's');
When you use 's' for input() then it requests a character vector of output. Unless the user happens to enter exactly one character, the result is not going to fit inside x(i) . Furthermore, you later use the x values as numeric, so it seems unlikely that you want to record the characters. I suggest removing the 's' option of input()