MATLAB: Multiple loopings in a program


Hi, i have a coding that requires user to input 2 numbers that are within a specific range.for example, for the first number:(please choose a number ranging from 1 to 7). If the user chose a number that is out of range, it will prompt for another number until the number chosen is within range.Then the program will proceed and ask for the second number:(please choose a number ranging from 15 to 20). Same as before, the number must be within range, otherwise it will just keep asking for a number. Can you please show me how to this?
Thank you

Best Answer

a = input('Input the value of a: ');
Range1 = [1 7];
str = strcat('Input the value of a again as a needs to be in the range from ', ...
num2str(Range1(1)),' to ', num2str(Range1(2)),'. a:');
while or(a<Range1(1), a>Range1(2))
a = input(str);