MATLAB: Multiple logical operators in if statement

if else iflogical operators

Hi, I have a quick question. Is it possible to write multiple logical conditions in if statement like this;
(s < (3 * a + b) * 0.25) || (s > b) ||...
(mflag) && (abs(s-b) >= (abs(b-c) * 0.5)) ||...
(~mflag) && (abs(s-b) >= (c-d) * 0.5) ||...
(mflag) && (abs(b-c) < tol) ||...
(~mflag) && (abs(c-d) < tol)
% bisection method
s = (a+b)*0.5;
mflag = true;
mflag = false;

Best Answer

It’s definitely possible to write it because you just demonstrated that by writing it.
You have a series of logical tests that appear to be constructed correctly, providing that all the arguments are scalars.
The question is if it makes sense logically and does what you want it to do. Only you can determine that.