MATLAB: Multiple graphs in one script

MATLABmultiple graphsplot

I am runny a loop over set of function and in the end I want some graphs of different data. there are three variables let say a, b and c.I have generated a graph using:
bt it is giving the 2nd one only. I want another graph of A on x axis and C on y axis likewise C on x axis and b on y axis. I cant figure out how to get multiple plots because it is generating plot of last command only. I tried

Best Answer

Do not use figure() as a variable name.
fig1 = figure(1);
ax1 = axes('Parent', fig1);
h = plot(ax1, Iteration, total_util*100, 'b', Iteration, DD, 'r', Iteration, PP, 'g');
legend(h, 'total_util','d_quantity','Price');
fig2 = figure(2);
ax2 = axes('Parent', fig2);
h = plot(ax2, total_util);
The simple version of that is
plot(Iteration, total_util*100, 'b', Iteration, DD, 'r', Iteration, PP, 'g');
but I recommend using the longer version: with the shorter version, graphics can end up going places you do not want in some cases. See