MATLAB: Multiple experiments for estimation with the option ‘InitialState’ = ‘estimate’.

greyestsystem identificationSystem Identification Toolbox

I am working with greybox modeling. I encountered an error. 'Error using iddata/greyest (line 40)' 'Index exceeds matrix dimensions' I wonder I can I fix it.
Whenever I used multiple experiments for estimation with the option 'InitialState' = 'estimate'. But If I indicate 'InitialState' = 'zero' then everything is fine.
opt = greyestOptions('Display','on','InitialState','zero','DisturbanceModel','none','SearchMethod','fmincon');
mdl2 = greyest(data, init_sys2,opt);
>> 'Error using iddata/greyest (line 40)'
'Index exceeds matrix dimensions'
opt = greyestOptions('Display','on','InitialState','zero','DisturbanceModel','none','SearchMethod','fmincon');
mdl2 = greyest(data, init_sys2,opt);

Best Answer

It is not easy to tell without test data to use. The error is being reported from within a try/catch, so it might be happening several levels down.
The most immediate possibility is that you would get an error at that point if your data array turned out to be an empty cell; that is not something that we outside can rule out at this point with the information provided.