MATLAB: Multiple Edit boxes and PPmenus

matlab gui

I am using GUIDE to build a MATLAB GUI.
I have 24 edit text boxes on the GUI.
How can I use loop in the code (like: for i = 1 to 24) to retrieve and store the contents of these components in to a 24 by 1 array.
Have I had less edit text boxes, I could manually name each box as textbox1, textbox2 and retrieve the contents of it using get(handles.textbox1,'String') but I have so many text boxes. I want to avoid manually naming them as textbox1 … textbox24 and then retrieve data from each of the text boxes.
Is there any easy way to do this.
Appreciate the help
Thanks, Santosh

Best Answer

boxvals = cell(24,1);
for i = 1 : length(boxvals)
boxvals{i} = get( handles.(sprintf('textbox%d', K)), 'String' );
If you were not using GUIDE, or are willing to add in non-GUIDE code to create the boxes, then like I showed in response to your last question, create them in a loop and store the handles.
nbox = 24;
editboxes = zeros(nbox,1);
for K = 1 : nbox
editboxes(K) = uicontrol( 'Style', 'edit', 'Units', 'norm', 'Position', [1/2 (nbox-K)/nbox 1/2 1/(nbox+1)], 'String', {sprintf('edit box #%d', K)} );
then to fetch,
boxvals = cell(nbox, 1);
for K = 1 : nbox
boxvals{i} = get( editboxes(K), 'String' );