MATLAB: Multiple Criteria Look-Up Function within MATLAB


I would like to recreate the following VLOOKUP function within Matlab for multiple criteria:
For those unfamiliar with the EXCEL function, you essentially have to create a meta data column concatenating columns 1 & 2, that value is then used to lookup the corresponding value in the DIM 3 column.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

If the data are defined as:
d1=repmat([2:5],5,1); d1=d1(:);
then the lookup function can be defined as
fnVLU=@(i1,i2) d3(all([i1 i2]==[d1 d2],2));
>> fnVLU(3,4)
ans =
Above includes the specific table in the function; if they change routinely then the table can also be arguments.
An alternate if the lookup values are always constructed as shown...
N1=max(d2); % size of subtable
fnIX=@(i1,i2) N1*(i1-d1(1))+d2(i2);
>> fnIX(3,4)
ans =
>> d3(ans)
ans =
The actual problem is very far removed from the illustration so I'll leave it for pedagogical purposes.
For the last set of code that has issues outlined in comments below, a functional implementation awaiting resolution of those issues would look like (from the point onward I made a change)--
% Use NaN to show missing locations more clearly...
Table = [1:10;1:10;100:100:1000];
% Define lookup function for the table -- NB: it's now horizontal
fnL=@(SI,K) Table(3,all(Table(1:2,:)==[SI; K]));
for i=1:length(D_Outer)
for j=1:length(Pitch)
for k=1:length(Free_Length)
for q=1:length(D_Wire)
if strcmp(Spring_Type,'Open');
Pitch(k) = (Free_Length(k) - D_Wire(q))/A_Coils;
elseif strcmp(Spring_Type,'Open and Ground');
Pitch(k) = Free_Length(k)/Tot_Coils;
elseif strcmp(Spring_Type,'Closed');
Pitch(k) = (Free_Length(k) - (3*D_Wire(q)))/A_Coils;
elseif strcmp(Spring_Type,'Closed and Ground');
Pitch(k) = (Free_Length(k) - (2*D_Wire(q)))/A_Coils;
Factor_K(k) = Pitch(k)/D_Wire(q);
Spring_Index(i) = D_Outer(i)/D_Wire(q);
% with above table there are many points for which
% there won't be a match and fnL() will return an
% empty result. Enclose in try...catch block to not crash
% Preallocated Factor_L to NaN so they'll show up clearly
Factor_L(i)=0; % so will show which didn't match
Owing to the lack of points intersecting in the table and the issue with overwriting the indices in the result vectors, this yields less than satisfying result of
>> [[Spring_Index nan(1,5)];Factor_K;[Factor_L nan(1,5)]]
ans =
2.0000 4.0000 6.0000 8.0000 10.0000 12.0000 14.0000 16.0000 18.0000 20.0000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
0 0.5000 1.0000 1.5000 2.0000 2.5000 3.0000 3.5000 4.0000 4.5000 5.0000 5.5000 6.0000 6.5000 7.0000
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
in that no results were saved that had intersecting values in Table
I added another diagnostic display just to illustrate the code itself functions properly and that it's the data and indexing issues that are the problem where output
disp([i k Factor_K(k),Spring_Index(i) Factor_L(i)])
in the try block so could see the successes overall in the loop besides just the failures that finally were saved. That resulted in
>> jsmith
i k F_K SI F_L % added header for column ID -- dpb
1 5 2 2 200
1 5 2 2 200
1 5 2 2 200
1 5 2 2 200
1 5 2 2 200
1 5 2 2 200
1 5 2 2 200
1 5 2 2 200
1 5 2 2 200
1 5 2 2 200
1 5 2 2 200
1 5 2 2 200
1 5 2 2 200
1 5 2 2 200
1 5 2 2 200
2 9 4 4 400
2 9 4 4 400
2 9 4 4 400
2 9 4 4 400
2 9 4 4 400
2 9 4 4 400
2 9 4 4 400
2 9 4 4 400
2 9 4 4 400
2 9 4 4 400
2 9 4 4 400
2 9 4 4 400
2 9 4 4 400
2 9 4 4 400
2 9 4 4 400
3 13 6 6 600
3 13 6 6 600
3 13 6 6 600
3 13 6 6 600
3 13 6 6 600
3 13 6 6 600
3 13 6 6 600
3 13 6 6 600
3 13 6 6 600
3 13 6 6 600
3 13 6 6 600
3 13 6 6 600
3 13 6 6 600
3 13 6 6 600
3 13 6 6 600
This illustrates clearly the over-storing into i, k indices that are repeated and that only the locations in the Table with same values match as presently constructed.
But, the lookup works as supposed to; it's just that there's no data available for almost all the cases.