MATLAB: Multiple check boxes to check to provide an output

conditionsimage processing

I have 6 checkboxes with 6 different conditions to run a query. User will select any number of check boxes (may be only 1 or may be all 6 or may be only 3 checkboxes). For example, let's say if user selects checkbox 1 and checkbox 2, then by selecting a 'search' pushbutton, the result will show one output or if user selects all checkboxes then the search will shows a different output.

Best Answer

I assume that on selecting the combinations checkboxes the text should vary, on clicking a button.
For accessing the checkbox values, you may code something like below
function ButtonPushed(app, event)
fieldNames = fieldnames(app); % get the uicomponents
allCheckBoxNamesList = fieldNames(contains(fieldNames,'CheckBox','IgnoreCase',true)); % get the checkboxes
for i = 1:numel(allCheckBoxNamesList) % loop through all checkboxes
if app.(allCheckBoxNamesList{i}).Value == true % display all the checkboxes which are true
app.TextArea.Value = [string(app.TextArea.Value);app.(allCheckBoxNamesList{i}).Text;] % append to Text Area
You may get something like below
Hope this helps.
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