MATLAB: Multiple Callback Functions


Hello MatLabers
I'm trying to have multiple callback functions executed on a uicontrol callback function.
Usually I go something like this:
obj = uicontrol(...,'style','popupmenu',...
now I would like to not only have myfunc to be executed, but also myfunc2 and myfunc3.
I've tried the following (cell array of function handles):
obj = uicontrol(...,'style','popupmenu',...
'Callback',{@(h,e)this.myfunc(h), ...
@(h,e)this.myfunc2(h), ...
which does not work.
Any idea on how to achieve this? I explicitly do not want to have myotherfunc (which calls myfunc, myfunc2, myfunc3) to be the callback but rather be able to directly assign them to the uicontol (or whatever other callback function)
Thank you

Best Answer

It is ugly ...
obj = uicontrol(...,'style','popupmenu',...
'Callback', @(h,e)(cellfun(@(x)feval(x,h,e), ...
{@(h,e)this.myfunc(h), ...
@(h,e)this.myfunc2(h), ...