MATLAB: Multiple bar plots and error bars

bar ploterror bars

Could you please help me on how to plot multiple bars (means) and their respective error bars(standard deviations)?
please find example of my data below;
meanA = [1.9000 5.1333 9.6167]
meanB =[2.1069 4.8297 8.8746]
meanC =[1.6632 6.1078 9.9431]
SD_A =[0.1549 0.3983 0.2137]
SD_B =[0.5744 1.0037 0.9494]
SD_C =[0.7757 1.6038 1.5165]

Best Answer

Try this:
meanA = [1.9000 5.1333 9.6167];
meanB =[2.1069 4.8297 8.8746];
meanC =[1.6632 6.1078 9.9431];
SD_A =[0.1549 0.3983 0.2137];
SD_B =[0.5744 1.0037 0.9494];
SD_C =[0.7757 1.6038 1.5165];
meanABC = [meanA; meanB; meanC]';
SD_ABC = [SD_A; SD_B; SD_C];
hBar = bar(meanABC, 0.8); % Return ‘bar’ Handle
for k1 = 1:size(meanABC,1)
ctr(k1,:) = bsxfun(@plus, hBar(k1).XData, hBar(k1).XOffset'); % Note: ‘XOffset’ Is An Undocumented Feature, This Selects The ‘bar’ Centres
ydt(k1,:) = hBar(k1).YData; % Individual Bar Heights
hold on
errorbar(ctr, ydt, SD_ABC, '.r') % Plot Error Bars