MATLAB: Multidimensional Indices of Multiple pages


Hi, I have a matrix of dimensions 5 by 7 by 50 e.g. g1 = rand(5,7,50) I have another matrix of indices for the row and column e.g. [1 3; 4 5; etc] Now I would like to index all the pages at those indices:
My attempt albeit slow:
for page = 2:50
lg = sub2ind(size(g1), ind(:,1), ind(:,2), page.*ones(length(ind),1),1))
Could someone explain to me how to do the above without for loop. I think I can follow one of the link below to remove the sub2ind. Thx!
In addition to the following I did look at the doc

Best Answer

id12 = [1 3; 4 5];
out = g1(bsxfun(@plus,bsxfun(@minus,id12,[0 1])*[1;size(g1,1)],(0:size(g1,3)-1)*prod(size(g1(:,:,1)))));