MATLAB: Multidimensional array as an input of function

arrayforfor loopMATLABmatrix array

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I am working with 5D matrices (in my code resultG, resultX, resultY). These matrices contain 500*500 matrices that are generated 10 times(ntrials) for each value of q and n.
My question is how should I define resultG with indices as my input for function ADMM? I have attached a part of my script.
resultX=zeros(length(n),length(q), ntrials, M, N);
resultY=zeros(length(n),length(q), ntrials, M, N);
for i=1:length(n)
for j=1:length(q)
gamma = 6/((q(j) - p)*n(i));
for k=1:1:ntrials
[X,Y,Q, iter] = ADMM(resultG(i,j,k),c, n(i), gamma,tau, opt_tol, verbose);
resultX(i,j,k, :, :)=X;
resultY(i,j,k, :, :)=Y;

Best Answer

It's still a little unclear what size and shape you expect resultG(i,j,k) to be going into the ADMM() function but if you expect it to be a matrix, use squeeze().
[X,Y,Q, iter] = ADMM(squeeze(resultG(i,j,k,:,:)),c, n(i), gamma,tau, opt_tol, verbose)