MATLAB: Multi sine waves function


Hello, right now I don't know how to create a multi sinus function with frequency from 1kHz to 2 kHz, with Amplitude varies from 0.25 to 1, in time from -2.5 to 2.5 second. I have tried with a loop 'for' but the problem is matrice t and f can't multiply with each other because of size.
for f = 1000:200:2000
A(n) = 1:-0.75/(length(f)-1):0.25;
V(n) = A(n)*sin(2*pi*f.*t + phi);
can someone help me with this?

Best Answer

I’m not certain what result you want.
Your posted code doesn’t show any oscillations when I run it. I would change the argument of the sin function to divide by the number of elements of ‘t’ in order to show the oscillations:
V = V + A(1,i)*sin(2*pi*f(1,i)*t/numel(t) + phi(1,i));
Beyond that, I have no suggestions.
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